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Replace Teeth

There are several options available to replace teeth at Far Headingley Dental Care.

You may need to replace teeth for a variety of reasons. Tooth decay or trauma may have damaged a tooth beyond repair and it has had to be extracted or a tooth may have been knocked out by a blow to the face.

Did you know that it might be possible to reimplant and save a tooth if you have had one knocked out?

If you don’t want to be left with a gap, immediately make an emergency appointment to see your dentist within an hour and follow this advice:

  1. Handle the tooth by the white crown and avoid touching the root.
  2. Do attempt to clean the tooth by scraping, brushing or rubbing it as this can damage the tooth.
  3. If the tooth is dirty,carefully rinse it for 5 – 10 seconds under cold running water.
  4. Do not rinse the tooth with alcohol or any cleaning products.
  5. Try to put the tooth back into its socket in your mouth as soon as possible.
  6. When the tooth is back in its socket, bite down onto a clean piece of tissue or gauze to keep it in place.
  7. If you cannot place the tooth in its socket, hold it between your cheek and gum until you see your dentist.
  8. Alternatively store the tooth in a clean container and cover it with milk or a small amount of your saliva.

When you see your dentist they will either check that you have correctly re-implanted the tooth or do this for you. The tooth will then be secured to the teeth adjacent to it so it is supported as it heals. Your dentist will usually ask to see you again 1-2 weeks later to see if the tooth is stabilising.

Mind the gap

Unfortunately some teeth cannot be saved and you will be left with a gap between your teeth. These teeth can be replaced with one of the following options:


Depending on how many teeth are missing either a full or partial denture may be used to replace missing teeth. A denture is a synthetic tooth or teeth that is attached to a resin plate which fits snugly over your gums. These are removable.

Dental bridge

Dental bridges are synthetic teeth which are attached to the adjacent teeth.

Benefits of replacing broken or missing teeth

  • Gaps can be unsightly and embarrassing
  • Missing teeth can cause problem with speech and eating
  • Replacing missing teeth can help adjacent teeth


I don’t want a denture, what can I do?

Whilst dentures offer a convenient and cost effective solution for replacing missing teeth for many people, other people feel they would be embarrassed if they had a denture. Fortunately dental bridges and dental implants are alternative solutions.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can help you replace teeth, please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours.

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British Association of Private Dentists

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