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Composite Bonding

Dental composite bonding

Composite bonding is used by your dentist in layers to gradually build up the shape and structure of a damaged tooth. When the process is finished, the dentist will shape the composite ensure that it looks natural and fits well will your other teeth.

Here we have before and after dental treatment photos showing how dental composites can improve the shame, structure and appearance of teeth.

Before and after dental treatment photos of dental composite tooth repair.

Natural appearance

Dentists have access to a wide range of composite materials. As a wide range of tooth colours are available, your dentist will be able blend shades of composite to create a colour which is identical to your natural tooth.

Stronger teeth

As dental composites are bonded to your remaining tooth, this can help strengthen the tooth, prevent breakages and even insulate the tooth from temperature changes which could cause cracked teeth. There has now been sufficient research to suggest that dental composites have similar longevity to silver colour dental amalgam fillings whilst having the benefit of being natural looking.

Dental composites white fillings

These images show the impact of replacing silver amalgam detal filling with white composite dental fillings.

White Composite Fillings

Benefits of dental composites

  • Highly versatile dental material
  • Used for damaging decayed or damaged teeth
  • Natural appearance to match your existing teeth
  • Can be as hard wearing as silver amalgam fillings
  • Combine with teeth whitening for amazing results

Before teeth whitening & composite bonding treatment

Before dental treatment photo of dental composite tooth repair.

After teeth whitening & composite bonding treatment

After dental treatment photo of teeth whitening and composite bonding dental treatment.


What is a dental composite?

Dental composite is a mixture of synthetic resin and silica and other materials that is used by your dentist to repair damaged teeth. The flowable composite is applied by your dentist in thin layers and is hardened with a special during light.

What are the benefits of composite bonding?

Composite bonding is a dental treatment that can be provided within the practice, without involving a dental laboratory to make restorations such as crowns or veneers. It is an easy, cost-effective treatment that can often be accomplished in a single visit. It is a great solution for restoring minor dental problems that do not extend far into a tooth’s structure. It often does not require any removal of natural teeth which can be required in other dental procedures.

What is the composite bonding process?

Composite Bonding is a minimally invasive and reversible dental treatment. The tooth being restored is first cleaned, and then etched with a special gel that gently roughens the tooth surface so that the composite material can adhere to it. Once the gel is removed, your dentist will choose a liquid composite resin that is in a specific shade to match the surrounding tooth.

Once applied, the composite bonding material is set or cured using a special curing light. Once cured, additional layers may be applied to build up a thicker coating. Finally, your dentist will shape the composite material into a natural looking took shape to fit with rest of your teeth.

How do I look after teeth that have had composite bonding?

Special care isn’t needed. As with all teeth, you should be brush and floss each day and also get them professionally cleaned at your dental practice each year. We recommend regular appointments with our dental hygienist to maintain a healthy smile.

My teeth are discoloured and stained can I still have them composite bonded?

If you have stained or discoloured teeth, it may be possible to first carry out teeth whitening treatment first. Your dentist will then shade match your whitened teeth with the dental composite material. Bonded teeth can also become stained from tobacco use, red wine and coffee over time. Dental composite material cannot be lighted with teeth whitening, but it can be replaced.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can help you with dental composites, please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours. You can also book a new patient consultation 24/7.

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