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Dental Inlays and Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are an option for repairing rear teeth when there is tooth decay or if they are cracked or fractured.

What are dental inlays and onlays?

If your tooth is damaged and there is sufficient healthy tooth to avoid a crown it may be possible for your dentist to provide you with a dental inlay or onlay. This will also enable your dentist to preserve more of your original healthy tooth. Dental inlays and onlays can also be used when a filling needs to be replaced.

A dental inlay is similar to a filling and fits inside the cusp tips  or top edges of your tooth. A dental onlay extends over the cusps of the treated tooth and is generally a more extensive restoration.

Perfect fit

Inlays and onlays are provided by your dentist by using very similar procedures. At the first appointment, your dentist will remove any damage or decay, the tooth is cleaned and then prepared for the dental inlay or onlay. Your dentist takes an impression of the damaged tooth which is then sent off to the dental laboratory. The dental laboratory will use the impression to create an inlay or onlay which will fit your tooth exactly. Most inlays or onlays are made out of porcelain though gold and composite can also be used. While the inlay or onlay is being created at the dental laboratory, your dentist will provide  temporary restoration for your tooth to protect it until your next appointment when the inlay or onlay is placed.

Tooth coloured

Inlays and onlays can be made from porcelain which is colour matched to your tooth so that when the restoration has been completed, they are practically invisible.

4 benefits of dental inlays or onlays

  • Inlays and Onlays are very durable and can last for many years
  • They can help strengthen a damaged tooth
  • Onlays and Inlays can help preserve more of your original tooth
  • Can be matched to your existing tooth colour.


How long with the dental treatment take?

Normally two appointments are required by your dentist these are approximately 1 hour each though the first appointment may take longer if the tooth requires a lot of preparation to remove decay or damage?

How does the dentist fix the dental inlay or onlay?

Once your dentist has ensure that the inlay or onlay fits perfectly to your tooth, a special adhesive resin is used to bond the inlay or onlay onto the tooth.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can help youwith dental inlays and onlays, please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours.

If you would like to see a new dentist or dental hygienist, you can register with us online here.British Association of Private Dentists

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