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General Dentistry Services

At Far Headingley Dental Care we make looking after your dental health easy with our general dentistry services.

General Dentistry

Our dental team aims to be able to develop a long lasting relationship with its clients. Often a dentist will look after different generations of the same family. Most people see their dentist more than any other healthcare professional. This creates trusting relationships and helps to allow your dentist to adopt a preventative care approach through advice and monitoring.

If problems are identified, solutions will be proposed and discussed. A dental treatment plan and costs will always be provided so that you fully understand the options available to you.

Modern dentistry

Modern dentistry is not simply about helping people maintain their oral health; it is also about understanding and fulfilling peoples aesthetic wants and needs and offering choice. Our dental team will help you keep your teeth healthy, resolve any problems and help you become very happy with your smile through teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic services when needed or desired. These can all be discussed at your regular dental check-ups.

General & Cosmetic Dentistry

The dental practice team prides itself on providing excellent general and cosmetic dentistry in a modern and friendly environment. There is ongoing investment into our equipment, dental surgeries, systems and team development to help ensure a consistently high level of service. The clinical team is not only highly competent in their field, but also approachable and easy to talk to.

Our aim is to make your experience with Far Headingley Dental Care as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

7 benefits of general dentistry from FHDC

  • Experienced & friendly UK Qualified Clinical Team.
  • High quality dental surgeries, equipment & materials.
  • ‘Best Practice’ sterilisation facilities.
  • Good appointment availability.
  • Flexibility with Pay As You Go & Denplan payment plans available.
  • All treatment is guaranteed for 1 year.
  • Access to out of hours & emergency dental care.


How do I make an dental appointment?

To make a dental appointment please simply call the practice on 0113 275 1323 or use the contact form. The contact form is especially useful when making contact with FHDC out of hours as we can call you back when we reopen. You can also book online 24/7.

Do I need to be registered at the dental practice to access these benefits?

Whilst emergency appointments are available to non-registered clients, these are charged at a premium and most people simply register with the dental practice. There is no registration fee, you simply pay for an extended dental check-up so that we have the time to fully assess your current oral health and discuss your wants and needs.

How do I stay registered with my dentist?

At your dental check up your dentist will decided on the required frequency of your ongoing routine appointments. Generally, the lower your risk of dental problems, the longer you can wait before your next check-up. These are usually every six months for most people but could be set at three, twelve, eighteen or even twenty four months. To stay registered at Far Headingley Dental Care we simply ask you to attend your check-ups as prescribed by your dentist.

What happens if I do not attend my dental check ups?

If you have not attended the practice for more than a two year period and we have tried to arrange an appointment with you, you would then lapse from our registered patient list. This means that you would lose the benefits that regular attenders receive such as access to emergency dental care.

If you then wished to be seen by a dentist you would simply need to attend an extended dental check-up to ensure that your dentist has the time to fully check that your oral health hasn’t changed. If an emergency dental appointment is required and you have lapsed, these are still available but at the non-registered client fee.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can provide you with excellent dentistry services please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours.

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Explore our dental services

General dentistry
General dentistry

Checkups, general dentistry services and emergency dental appointments for all the family.

Teeth straightening
Teeth straightening

Straighten your teeth & reduce gaps with Invisalign, Six Month Smiles, Quick Straight Teeth and other orthodontic braces.

Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening

Get a brighter, more radiant smile with Boutique teeth whitening and Enlighten teeth whitening.

Repair chipped or broken teeth
Repair teeth

Repair chipped, cracked or broken teeth with composite bonding, white fillings, dental inlays, crowns and veneers.

Replace broken or missing teeth
Replace teeth

Replace broken or missing teeth with dental bridges and dentures for a fuller smile.

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