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Dental Hygienist

Dental hygienist services to keep teeth and gums clean and fresh available at FHDC.

Our dental hygienist works alongside our dentists to help provide important preventative advice and treatment to help patients with gum problems or who simply need extra time and advice on looking after their gums and teeth. The treatment carried out by the dental hygienist includes removal of plaque and calculus that is difficult to remove by brushing and flossing alone.

Preventing gum disease

Sometimes clients might need additional help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. This is when your dentist may prescribe prolonged gum treatment (PGT) over a series of Dental Hygiene visits. This dental treatment combined with oral care advice can help stabilise gum disease.

Cleaner teeth

Once you have been examined by a dentist to check your oral health, you can book a hygiene appointment at FHDC for a clean and polish whenever you want. Clients have said that regular appointments with the dental hygienist have helped  improve their confidence by having a cleaner, fresher mouth.

Reduced dental costs

Maintaining your oral health through regular cleaning and polishing of your teeth can also reduce the need for expensive dental treatment.

Deep cleaning

If you suffer from heavily stained teeth caused by smoking, your diet or consumption of red wine, tea and coffee, Far Headingley Dental Care provides a deep cleaning service that is highly effective at removing teeth staining and helping whiten them in one visit.

5 benefits of dental hygienist services

  • Dental Hygienists are experts at cleaning and polishing your teeth
  • Gum disease can be treated with Progressive Gum Treatment
  • Regular visits can reduce the risk of expensive dental treatment
  • Professional cleaning can help improve your confidence
  • Deep cleaning is available to remove tooth staining


Why can’t my dentist clean & polish my teeth?

Your dentist can provide this service, however, the dental hygienist is an expert in this area. An effective clean takes time and whilst some people have very good oral hygiene and only require a simple clean that their dentist can provide, others need longer in the dental chair.

What does a dental hygienist do?

Dental Hygienists regular professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. This combined with oral hygiene instruction so that you can  look after your teeth and gums properly at home, will help you maintain a healthy mouth. A clean and healthy mouth will reduce the need for dental treatment, help prevent bad breath and enhance your confidence and reduce embarrassment.

What does a dental therapist do?

A Hygiene Therapist is a clinical member of the dental team trained as a Hygienist with extended duties. These include carrying out all types of fillings on all teeth, and pulp therapies, crowns, and extractions on deciduous teeth. There is a strong preventative approach also including applying fluoride varnish and fissure sealants, giving oral hygiene and diet advice to prevent and reduce the incidence of dental caries / decay. These non invasive preventive treatments are an excellent way to introduce young children to dental treatment and gain their trust and confidence, whilst instilling good habits early. Therapists can also receive extra training to carry out tooth whitening.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can provide you dental hygienist services, please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours.

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General dentistry

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Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening

Get a brighter, more radiant smile with Boutique teeth whitening and Enlighten teeth whitening.

Repair chipped or broken teeth
Repair teeth

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