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Gap Closure

Do you have gaps in between your front teeth? Many adults have open gingival embrasures (black triangles) or gaps between their two front teeth.

What is teeth gap closure?

The cause may be due to recession of the gum line, bone loss or movement of the teeth. The gaps and the dark spaces that they cause can make your teeth look old and can reduce the impact of your smile. Gaps between teeth are also prone to plaque build-up as they can allow food to get trapped there.

What is Diastema Closure?

Diastema Closure is the process of closing the gap between the front teeth. The simplest method for doing this is to use composite filling material. This composite bonding material is shade matched and bonded to the teeth. This is a very simple non invasive treatment, without using needles and drilling any of the healthy tooth, and it is completely reversible. The composite material is shaped and polished by your dentist to give a very natural result.

The photos below show one of our patients who received this treatment combined with our teeth whitening service. This lady had been unhappy with this gap for many years and didn’t think that anything could be done to improve her smile. She was extremely pleased with the results.

Diastema Closure example

Diastema Closure case study

The patient who received this treatment was very pleased with her new smile.

Are there any options to close the gap in my front teeth?

Orthodontic Treatment including Traditional braces or clear aligners, such as Invisalign, can be used to gradually shift the position of the teeth and close the gap. This method is often recommended for more severe cases where the teeth require significant movement. Invisalign and other teeth straightening dental treatments are available at FHDC.

Get in touch

To discuss how Far Headingley Dental Care can provide you with Gap Closure treatment and other ways to improve your smile, please complete the enquiry form on this page or call our practice on 0113 275 1323 during normal office hours. New patients can also register with us here

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